Design and Print custom mailing and return address labels.
Create great looking address labels, envelopes, promotional mailers and more from your existing databases.
Save Money! Print high quality address labels as you need them using our address label software.
Easily input your company logos, graphics, contact information, etc. and our address label software prints custom tailored labels of many shapes and sizes.
Templates included with Label Maker. Works with all standard label paper from Avery and other suppliers, available at any office supply store. iWinsoft Address Label Software automatically formats files to print as professional address labels. Print a single label, or repeat labels to print a larger quantity.
The most comprehensive address label software available for Mac OS X and Windows, allowing you to quickly create professional address labels. With an extensive library of barcodes, over 2,000 industry standard templates and the ability to print directly from your existing address book or databases, It is the full-featured address label software choice at organizations worldwide.
Our address label software has been designed to use quickly and easily. All you have to do is create one label, and one database, add your addresses or others infomation to this database, place database objects to your label, and the product automatically prints your label with different addresses.
To print your address label from Excel file, You should save you Excel file as a text file with a delimiter(tab), and then Import that text file to your database using the File > Import Database menu option.