Main Toolbar:

The toolbar are displayed on the top of the main window.
Tips: when you hover the mouse over buttons you will see a small window appear with a description of what that does.

Main Toolbar

1 – Inspector Inspector: Open or close the Object Information panel.

2 – Image Mask Icon Image Mask: Open or close the Image Mask panel.

3 – Object or Selection tool Object tool: (also called Selection tool) Use it to select and move objects.

4 – Rotation Tool Rotation tool: Use it to rotate an object around any point.

5 – Text Tool Text tool: Use it to add text boxes and Insert text. see "Adding Text" and "Adding Circular Text".

6 – Rectangle Tool Rectangle tool: Use it to draw rectangles and squares into the current design.

7 – Circle and Ellipse Tool Circle and Ellipse tool: Use it to draw circles and ellipses into the current design.

8 – Line Tool Line tool: In the design, click and hold the mouse down to draw a line.

9 – Barcode Tool Barcode tool: Use it to insert a barcode object into the current design.

10 – Bezier Path Tool Bezier Path tool: Use it to insert a bezier curve object.

11 – Measurement Tool Measurement tool: Changes the measurement units between inches, points and centimeters.

12 – zoom inzoom Out Zoom in and Zoom out: Use them to zoom in and Zoom out on at the page.

13 – Import Tracks tool Import Tracks tool: Import iTunes playlist or import text from other sources.

14 – Text angle control Tool Text angle control: allows to set the text start angle when the oval object is selected.

15 – Text direction button Text direction button: Use it to toggles the direction of the text in the object between clockwise and counterclockwise when the oval object is selected.

16 – Printing Printing: Click this to open the print dialog box.

Object Properties

For information on changing object properties, see "Object Info Panel".

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